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Pros and Cons of Paying Peer Reviewers
By: Juliana Ancalmo, Chad E Cook PT, PhD, FAPTA, Ciara Roche
Critical appraisal is a hallmark of peer reviewed publishing. Critical appraisal provides analytical evaluations of whether the results of the study can be believed, and can be transferred appropriately into other environments, for use in policy, education, or clinical practice [1]. Historically, critical appraisal is performed by peer reviewers who are either content or research experts (or both). Peer reviewers have viewed this act as an obligation for science, especially those who benefit from peer review as authors, and are not currently paid for this service.
Recent limitations brought forth by qualified peer reviewers has ignited discussion around paying for reviewing services. Although this topic had been highly debated previously, a new wave of conversation was reignited when researcher and Chief Scientific officer James Heathers [2] argued for a $450 fee for a peer review in an editorial published on Medium. This, coupled with the challenges many researchers faced post-COVID have spurred people on both sides of this argument to speak out. In this blog we will outline the pros and cons of this debate and discuss the complexity of the issue at hand.
Pros of Paying Peer Reviewers
We propose several benefits of paying peer reviewers for their critical appraisals. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a notable decline in acceptance rates combined with an increase in submission rates in academic journals, creating a large imbalance within the peer review process [3]. Compensation could lead to reviewer buy-in and decrease this imbalance [2]. Interestingly, it may also increase the diversity of peer reviewers. Peer reviewers often reflect those who populate their field of study, which often are dominated by men. Theoretically, paying for peer review may better represent women and lower income countries, especially if they are targeted [4].
On top of a lack of diversity of reviewers, these publishing companies are generating record profits, and compensating reviewers may reduce the associated negative optics. For example, the arguably biggest academic publishing company in the world is Elsevier, which generates $3.35 billion in revenue with a profit margin of around 40% [5]. It is arguable that among the five major publishing companies, Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, Taylor & Francis, Springer Nature and SAGE, who control 50% of all revenue of the academic publishing industry globally, a solution could be drawn up to financially compensate underpaid and worked reviewers [5]. Quite frankly, asking someone to do a lot of work for free is a tough sell during times of record profits. Finally, we believe reviewers simply deserve to be paid. Good reviewers spend a lot of time peer reviewing papers. This process improves the final manuscript and strengthens the science. Experts deserve to be compensated and asking people to work for free is an archaic and offensive stance.
Cons of Paying Peer Reviewers
There are also several arguments that can be made against paying peer reviewers. One often cited is that compensation of reviews may lead to unethical reviews being submitted. It is not a stretch to consider how reviewers may take advantage of this monetary system for their own financial benefit–this could impact the quality of the reviews submitted, as reviewers work to do as many reviews as they can for “easy cash-grab.” This leads into another concern regarding the payment of peer reviewers: there is currently no threshold on what constitutes a “good review.” Nowadays it can take several months to wait for feedback on a paper, only to receive a couple of lines from a reviewer and a rejection from the editor. Does this two-line review deserve the same compensation as someone who spent hours reading and giving critical feedback on a review?
It is clear there would need to be notable training and standardization in submitting a review that would qualify for compensation; however, this process would further limit individuals who could submit a review and may cause further delays in this process. Additionally, processing of the payments would likely be a disaster at first. Considering it can sometimes take a year for these journals to publish a review, it is not unreasonable to believe that a payment system for ongoing peer reviewers would result in lost, incorrect or delayed payments.
Finally, there is uncertainty of whether journals or the industry could even afford to pay these reviewers in the first place. Publishing consultant, Tim Vines, argued that if there is an average of 2.2 reviews per article, each reviewed article would cost $990, assuming the $450 fee proposed by Heathers is met [6]. Additionally, for a journal with a 25% acceptance rate, the cost of reviewing for each accepted paper would be $3,960 [6]. This additional cost would almost double research journals expenditures, which may lead journals to increase article-processing charges and subscription fees to cover these additional expenses.
Our Thoughts
In theory, we support payment for peer review. However, the traditional practice of peer review may be resistant to change due to system inertia, which is the resistance of an organization to change despite its necessity [7]. We support the need for additional steps before a model flip can occur. These include reducing unnecessary burden on reviewers such as: 1) papers that have fatal flaws and have no chance of acceptance; 2) requests that are outside the scope of the reviewers; 3) multiple requests at one time; and 4) unrealistic review turnaround. Simply put: there are too many submissions–a focus on quantity over quality. Predatory journals and journals that support weak science are interested only in publishing (and article processing fees) and little on science. We acknowledge the complexity of institutional reform in the presence of system inertia. Once these elements are sorted, we can get back to the discussion of paying for peer review.
- Katrik P, Bialocerkowski AE, Massy-Westropp N, Kumar VS, Grimmer KA. A systematic review of the content of critical appraisal tools. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2004;22:(4).
- Heathers, J. The 450 Movement. Medium. Available at: https://jamesheathers.medium.com/the-450-movement-1f86132a29bd
- Künzli N, Berger A, Czabanowska K, Lucas R, Madarasova Geckova A, Mantwill S, von dem Knesebeck O. I Do Not Have Time -Is This the End of Peer Review in Public Health Sciences? Public health reviews. 2022;43. https://doi.org/10.3389/phrs.2022.1605407
- Cheah PY, Piasecki J. Should peer reviewers be paid to review academic papers? Lancet, 2022;399(10335):1601.
- Curcic D. Academic Publishers Statistics. WordsRated. Available at: https://wordsrated.com/academic-publishers-statistics/
- Brainard J. The $450 question: Should journals pay peer reviewers?. Science https://www.science.org/content/article/450-question-should-journals-pay-peer-reviewers
- Coiera E. Why system inertia makes health reform so difficult. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 2011;342:d3693.
Yes, Peer Review is Broken, but It’s Probably Worse than You Think
By: Chad E. Cook PT, PhD, FAPTA
We have problems: There are countless publications, editorials, and blogs indicating we have a notable problem with the peer review system used in scientific publications [1-4]. Concerns have included its inconsistency, its slow process, and the biases associated with reviewers (especially reviewer two) who have an axe to grind. These limitations and the knowledge that publishing companies are making record profit margins [5] off the free labor of reviewers, while authors are required to pay to publish, are especially difficult to stomach. This problem has been ongoing for some time but in my opinion, it seems to have worsened recently. Having been immersed in publishing for over 25 years as an author, and over 20 years as an editor-in-chief or associate editor for four journals, I’d like to outline my concerns that qualify my statement in the title that it’s “probably worse than you think”.
Journals are overwhelmed and subsequently, unresponsive: The last three publications I’ve submitted to peer reviewed journals took 11 months, 10 months, and 6 months, to receive the first set of reviewers’ comments. For those that are not familiar with peer-reviewed publishing, this is a very long time to wait for your first set of reviews. We pulled the paper that took 11 months over 6 months ago (because we were tired of the lack of responsiveness from the journal) and informed the editor-in-chief that we removed it from the review process, but they kept it within their system anyway, and eventually provided the reviews (11 months later). It had already been accepted in a different journal by then. We were informed by the editor-in-chief of the paper that took 6 months that they had reached out to 60 reviewers, to receive two reviewers’ comments. They eventually used the names of reviewers that we recommended. Two of the three examples were review articles and the editors had the audacity to recommend an updated search!
Quality has been sacrificed for quantity: It is estimated that there are 30,000 medical journals published around the world [6]. In 2016, about 1.92 million papers were indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science publication databases; In 2022, that number jumped to 2.82 million [7]. This equates to approximately two papers uploaded to PubMed every minute [8]. Subsequently, it is no secret that quantity has replaced quality. It is especially prevalent in open access journals in which revenue is dependent on an article processing charge (APC) and volume. On average, an article processing charge (APC) of $1,626 USD has been reported [9]. Whereas, this may not seem to be unreasonable, some journals charge over $11,000 USD (Nature Neuroscience [10]), whereas others (PLOS One [11]) have published over 30,000 papers in a given year. I think it is hard-pressed to assume that enough useful science is being created that demands 2.82 million unique papers.
Reviewers are overwhelmed and are abused: I feel it is my responsibility to review for journals, since I’m a user of the peer review system, and I do so without compensation. It generally takes me an hour to do a meaningful and respectful review; sometimes it takes me longer if I need to check the trial registration, review attached appendices, or some of the more important references. Although I serve as an associate editor for a journal, I try and limit my reviews to two manuscripts a week. Apparently, this isn’t enough. From March 1st through March 31st in 2024, I was asked to review 67 papers for scientific journals. That’s an average of nearly 2.2 requests per day-including non-business days. Interestingly, one journal in particular, in which I just published a paper (after 10 months of waiting for the first review), requested my review services 13 times. I averaged >four requests a week from this journal until I finally stopped responding. It is important to recognize that reviewers are overwhelmed and should be compensated for their work. Those who agree to review understand the sarcastic phrase “no good deed goes unpunished”.
Editors are Often Underpaid, Overworked, and Pressured to Publish: A 2020 survey found that more than one third of editors surveyed from core clinical journals did not receive compensation for their editorial roles [12]. As an editor-in-chief from 2006 through 2012, I contributed over 20 hours a week to the journal, and did receive a small stipend for my efforts. I calculated an average hourly salary of a little over three dollars. Further, previous work has exposed the pressure editors have to publish work [13], especially those who run open access journals, in which payment is required to publish within the journal. This leads to the acceptance of inferior work and a flooding of review requests for papers that should have likely been triaged by the editor.
Fake journals are numerous and are getting difficult to discriminate: Predatory journals are open-access publishers that actively solicit and publishes articles for a fee, with little or no real peer review [14]. I’ve written about these before and even wrote a fake paper (with Josh Cleland and Paul Mintken) about a dead person being brought back to life with spinal manipulation to show how these journals will accept anything [15]. There are some estimates that there are 15,000 predatory journals in existence [16]. A popular publishing company MDPI has recently been placed on Predatory-Reports.com’s predatory publishing list because of concerning behaviors in the peer-review process [17]. It is worth noting that many borderline predatory behaviors have made the distinction of predatory journals more difficult, as the competition to secure submissions has ramped up correspondingly with the number of new journals that have been created. Publishing low quality or questionable work has also undermined the promotion and tenure process in academic settings as appointment, promotion and tenure (APT) committee members are often asked to review portfolios of individuals outside of their professional field.
Retraction rates are on the rise. A retraction occurs when a previously published paper in an academic journal is flagged as seriously flawed to the extent that their results and/or conclusions are no longer valid. Retractions occur because of plagiarism, data manipulation and conflict of interest [18] and overall, they are not very common; for every 10,000 papers, 2.5 papers were retracted. Journals self-govern (with external assistance) and often identify flawed work and retract the papers. As such, most retractions occur in higher level journals. To date, data simply don’t exist that can provide an estimate of how many flawed papers are present in journals with no real peer review (predatory) and those that aren’t predatory but have questionable behaviors.
This sounds awful, what should we do: I do realize this blog is negative, but it’s important to understand the context around peer review, especially if you have not the opportunity to publish, review or edit in the peer review system. There are strategies that one can take on that may help navigate these challenges. First, I’d recommend that you read work from reputable journals that are affiliated with reputable societies (e.g., JOSPT, Physical Therapy, Journal of Physiotherapy, etc.). Second, I think it is healthy and reasonable to question results that are notably different from known information, results that were obtained from a group with a vested interest in the outcome of the study, and results that are substantially better than the comparison group, because that’s just not very common or likely. Third, it is appropriate to support the current inertia toward paying reviewers for their efforts as long as their work is of high quality. Fourth, it is good when editors triage papers that are unlikely to be published (or those that shouldn’t be published) as this reduces the burden on peer review. Lastly, it’s important to recognize that someone has to pay for open access journals; it is typically the author that pays.
Smith R. Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals. J R Soc Med. 2006 Apr;99(4):178-82.
Flaherty C. The Peer-Review Crisis. Inside Higher Ed. Available at: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/06/13/peer-review-crisis-creates-problems-journals-and-scholars
Malcom D. It’s Time We Fix the Peer Review System. Am J Pharm Educ. 2018 Jun;82(5):7144.
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Gower T. What Are Medical Journals? WebMD. Available at: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/medical-journals
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Cook CE, Cleland JA, Mintken PE. Manual Therapy Cures Death: I Think I Read That Somewhere. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2018 Nov;48(11):830-832.
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(anonymous author) Is MDPI a predatory publisher? Publishing with Integrity. Available at: https://predatory-publishing.com/is-mdpi-a-predatory-publisher/
Conroy G. The biggest reason for biomedical research retractions. Detection software is not enough. Nature Index. Available at: https://www.nature.com/nature-index/news/the-biggest-reason-for-biomedical-retractions