The Assignments Calendar maps out weekly workflows including preparation for class and deliverables due. Please note that the Assignments Calendar is a live document that we may update periodically.
Specific due dates for each assignment are noted in the Assignments Calendar. Assignments are due by the start of class (unless otherwise indicated). On-time submission for an assignment is necessary to receive full credit for the assignment; if you become concerned that you will be unable to meet a deadline, please contact me to discuss this issue before the assignment due date. Please submit all completed assignments by uploading the completed assignment to our Google drive Submit Assignments folder (unless otherwise indicated).
Please click on the HERE link next to assignments for details. Your final grade will be made up of the following assignments:
- Multimodal Briefs
- Presentations
- Bass Connections Poster (10%): details HERE
- Website (10%)
- Project Reflection (individual assignment) (5%): details HERE
On-time attendance at all meetings is mandatory. We understand that exceptional circumstances sometimes arise, and so you may miss one class per semester if necessary without it affecting your grade (i.e., one floating excused absence). We also understand that you may have an illness that prevents you from attending class. If this is the case, please submit a Short-Term Incapacitation Form and contact us to discuss how you can make up the work you miss. At the end of the semester, your final grade may be deducted by one point for every unexcused absence you have (e.g., your final grade will move from 88 to 86 if you have two unexcused absences).