List of Critical Notes
Notes on features on the manuscript (spellings, word choice, marks on the page, etc.). These could be notable either as unique or as common. (These are displayed as blue squares, labeled with the designations given below). |
Type of Note (designation) | Purpose / Example |
Abbreviation (abbr.) | Regularization of the expansion of an abbreviation (eg., Hymnus for Ymnus) |
Nota Bene (n.b.) | Various:
Notation (not.) | Marks for chant |
Orthography (orth.) | Unique spelling |
Terminology (term.) | Use of Greek term |
Notes on Physical Features
(These are displayed as small purple circles with no label). |
Notes on visual/physical features such as scraping, smudges, out-of-line additions, ink changes, etc., which can be discerned by observing the facsimile. |
List of Commentary Notes:
Notes on scriptural and/or ecclesiastical references for the liturgical elements of the document. (These are displayed as purple squares, mostly numbered as below). |
Note # | Element Type | Text Phrase | Location of note:
Line # in MS |
1 | a | Beati mundo corde…uidebunt | 5 | Recto |
2 | a | Beati qui … propter iusticiam | 6 | Recto |
3 | a | Hoc est praecaptum | 7 | Recto |
4 | a | In omnem terram | 8 | Recto |
5 | a | Tollite | 9 | Recto |
6 | a | Iugum enim | 10 | Recto |
7 | a | Manete indilectio | 10 | Recto |
8 | a | Vos estis lux mundi | 10 | Recto |
9 | a | Dico autem nobis | 10 | Recto |
10 | R | Constitues eos | 11 | Recto |
11 | Y | Olivae binae | 11 | Recto |
12 | a | O petre pastor | 12 | Recto |
13 | a | Petrus apostolus | 13 | Recto |
14 | a | Isti sunt viri sancti | 13 | Recto |
15 | a | Gloriosi principes | 13 | Recto |
*16 (“…”) | Per | Per. | 16 | Recto |
17 | INV | Regem praecursoris | 16 | Recto |
18 | Y | Exultet caelum | 16 | Recto |
19 | v | Priusquam te formarem in utero | 17 | Recto |
20 | R | Elisabet Zach | 17 | Recto |
21 | R | Innuebant | 17 | Recto |
22 | R | Inter.. Natos mulierum | 18 | Recto |
23 | v | Ecce dedi verba mea | 18 | Recto |
*24 (“cf.”) | a | Elisabet Zach | 18 | Recto |
25 | Y | Almi prophetae | 19 | Recto |
26 | a | Et factum…. uocabitur iohannes | 21 | Recto |
27 | Or | Concede | 21 | Recto |
*24 (“cf.”) | a | Elisabet Zach | 22 | Recto |
28 | a | Innuebant | 22 | Recto |
29 | Cap | Audite insulae | 22 | Recto |
30 | v | Priusquam te formarem in utero | 22 | Recto |
31 | Or | Concede q | 23 | Recto |
32 | Cap | Exspectacio i… | 25 | Recto |
33 | a | Haec est vera fraternitas | 25 | Recto |
*16 (“…”) | Per | Per | 27 | Recto |
34 | R | Absterget deus | 6 | Verso |
35 | R | Viri Sancti | 15 | Verso |
36 | R | Tradiderunt | 27 | Verso |
37 | a | Super nivem | 28 | Verso |
38 | a | Astiterunt | 28 | Verso |
39 | Cap | Ecce Sacerdos | 28 | Verso |
40 | R | Iuravit | 29 | Verso |
41 | Y | Martine confessor | 29 | Verso |
42 | Or | DE. S. | 29 | Verso |