Getting Started

To access our application, all you have to do is click the ‘Launch the Application’ button on the top menu. Our application is published online, and you will automatically be redirected to that link upon clicking.

Using the Application

Our application has several tabs. Depending on your specific interests, feel free to explore any or all:

  • The Home page has an overview and a couple summary plots.
  • The Insights page has a few stories we’ve found through exploring the data ourselves.
  • The Explore the Data tab has four choices:
    • Domestic Data explores Duke enrollment from within the United States. Using the drop downs on the left, you can select specific qualities to filter what you’re looking at, including School, Year, Sex, and Semester. Upon selecting a choice, the domestic map will automatically update (may take a second) to color the map based on your choices. Darker colors mean more enrollment. You may pan and scroll across the US, as well as click on specific states for exact numbers. Underneath, we’ve given the opportunity for you to select individual states and compare enrollment side-by-side on the line plot. Note all visualizations depend on your input selections (e.g. if you select ‘Divinity School’ under School , both map and graph will reflect that school).
    • International Data explores Duke enrollment from outside the United States. Using the drop downs on the left, you can also select specific qualities to filter what you’re looking at, including Input Year, Term (i.e. semester), Sex, and School. Upon making a choice, the international map will automatically update (again, may take a second) to color the map based on your choices. Note–the United States is excluded from the international map (it will show up as gray), given the overwhelming domestic enrollment compared to other countries. As before, darker colors mean more enrollment, and you may pan and scroll across the world map, as well as click on specific countries for exact numbers. Underneath, we’ve grouped countries by region for your selected inputs, with significant countries (in terms of enrollment) labeled explicitly. All visualizations depend on your input selections.
    • Enrollment by Sex explores Duke enrollment when partitioned by biological/legal sex, as recognized by the University. You may select a Year and Semester to view a series of pie charts showing sex distributions by school in the University. At the very bottom, there is a line graph functionality for use comparing changes over time, by school, where you may select specific schools and compare side-by-side.
    • The Changes over Time page clarifies how we approach changing geopolitical boundaries and data visualization over the timespan of our data set, as well as highlighting extraordinary enrollment histories that deserve to be shown.
  • The History of Duke tab has three choices:
    • The University page offers an overview of the history of Duke University in terms of constituent schools, as well as offering helpful links for further research and an interactive timeline at the bottom of the page.
    • Race & Ethnicity at Duke offers a non-exhaustive timeline of race, ethnicity, and multiculturalism at Duke, as well as helpful links for further research.
    • LGBTQ+ at Duke offers a non-exhaustive timeline of gender and LGBTQ+ affairs at Duke, as well as helpful links for further research.
  • The About tab has four choices:
    • About the Project offers an overview on how this project has come together, and a detailed narrative for interested parties.
    • About the Data is a page where you can interact with the data table yourself, selecting filters to look at exact enrollments for a given selection of Year, Sex, Semester, and Region. This is very helpful for looking at historical enrollments from countries that do not exist today, which are represented in the dataset but not on the interactive maps.
    • Meet the Team is a page with information about us, including brief bios, links to our Duke pages, and contact information.
    • FAQ is our frequently asked questions page, where we compile common questions and answers.