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Now Available: The Block Editor

By: Ryn Nasser

The block editor (aka Gutenberg) is now available on Sites@Duke Express! Here’s what you need to know about using it.

Connect to Duke’s network

First and foremost, you must be connected to Duke’s network (on campus or VPN) in order to work with blocks. By “work with”, we mean if you want to add, edit, or delete a block, either on a post/page or in the Widgets area. Once published, of course, the block content is visible to the audience that you’ve specified for the site. If you’re not on Duke’s network, you will still see the block content when you’re logged in, but you will receive error messages if you try to edit it.

Activate the block editor

In order to turn on the block editor for your site, navigate to Settings -> Writing. You will see two options at the end of the list:

Default editor for all users: As an administrator for your site, you can set the default editor for everyone who creates content on the site.

Allow users to switch editors: You can also determine if users are permitted to switch to the other editor. For example, you could stick with the Classic editor as the default, but let users switch to the Block editor if they wish.

Activate the block editor from Settings, Writing

Working with content

Once the block editor is active, your existing pages and posts can be converted to use it. This isn’t necessary, but may give you more flexibility with your layouts. We recommend that your first experience with the block editor be with an unpublished test page until you are comfortable with how it functions.

There is an extensive guide at on how to use the block editor. Reviewing this first will definitely help you understand how to navigate this tool!


Categories: Features