This video premiered on Friday, April 30 at 7:30 pm EDT.
“Flute & Figaro al Fresco” features staged scenes from Mozart’s Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro filmed outside the Biddle Music Building on Duke’s East Campus.
View the video trailer for The Magic Flute.
View the video trailer for The Marriage of Figaro.
Conceived by director David Heid and featuring pianist Daniel Seyfried, this homage to silent films is a creative, theatrical and comic response to the limitations placed on performances by the Covid-19 pandemic. The soundtrack, sung in English, was recorded one voice at a time in Baldwin Auditorium with the filming and editing of the video done by Rick Nelson, with additional footage shot by Ryan Harrison. This unique 35 minute film is fast-paced and engaging, demonstrating the creativity and resilience of Duke student vocalists and breaking new ground for creative opera presentations in the future. This video release includes a behind the scenes chat with Opera Theater director David Heid and pianist Dan Seyfried following the film.
Featuring Matthew Bao, Heather Berman, Charlie Bonetti, Alexa Burnston, Devon Carter, Francesca Herrera, Alex Kintzer, Bryn Lawson, Julia Leeman, Sophia Leeman, Elliott Loverin, Jia Jia Shen, Roy Thompson, Rebecca Williamson, Priya Zahrt, and Xuanyu Zhou.
Bravo on your Premier on April 30! You all have beautiful voices. It was very enjoyable. Thank you for the invitation.
So glad you tuned in and enjoyed it!