
The project’s research questions span the areas of religion, psychology, political and social attitudes, and social networks. Not only does the project aim to conduct original scientific research to further general knowledge, but it also is meant to provide useful information to campus ministries on how to work with and for contemporary college students. Some of the core research questions we are interested in are listed below.

Campus Ministry

What characteristics of campus ministry are most important to contemporary Catholic students?

What factors predict continued participation in campus ministry?

Do students who participate in retreats and service activities more likely to increase on religious measures than students who do not participate?


Does religious background predict differential selection into college majors? And do different college majors predict different religious trajectories?

Do students become more religiously liberal, less exclusive, or doubt more over time?

Is increased religious doubt associated with other changes, such as decreased religious service attendance? And does religious doubt come before those changes or after them?



Does increased stress predict decreased religious participation at a later time?

Does increased stress predict a change in perspective of God, as a source of support or a target to blame?

Does religious service attendance predict lower levels of stress?

Do students prioritize religious activities when stressed or are they likely to decrease participation to complete school work?

Political and Social Attitudes

Are students who are active in campus ministries more likely to agree with the Catholic Church’s positions on social issues and less likely to weaken their agreement than students who are not active participants?

Are Catholic students who are familiar with Laudato Si more likely to say that environmental issues are important?

Social Networks

Are students with religiously diverse friends more likely to change their religious beliefs over time than students with homogeneous friends?

Do students who get involved with campus ministries have more religiously homogeneous friends?

What factors predict the religious makeup of close friend groups?

Are students who frequently talk to friends and parents about religion less likely to become less religious over time?