- Supplementary Appendix to Investments in social ties, risk sharing and inequality, with Matt Elliott, NEW 2020 version [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Loss in the Time of Cholera: Long-run Impact of a Disease Epidemic on the Urban Landscape, with Erica Field and Robert Gonzalez [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to A delegation-based theory of expertise, with Volodymyr Baranovskyi and Aaron Kolb, [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Delegation and nonmonetary incentives, with Georgy Egorov, [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Either or both competition: A “two-sided” theory of advertising with overlapping viewerships, with Emilio Calvano and Markus Reisinger, [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Compensated Discount Functions – An Experiment on the Influence of Expected Income on Time Preferences, with Tinna Asgeirsdottir, Jawwad Noor and Laszlo Sandor [web]
- Supplementary appendix to the paper Hierarchical cheap talk, with Eduardo Azevedo and Yuichiro Kamada [web]
- Supplementary appendix (Dynamic Analysis) to Muslim family law, prenuptial agreements and the emergence of dowry in Bangladesh, with Erica Field [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Testing an informational theory of legislation: Evidence from the U.S. Hosue of Representatives, with Hye Young You and Laszlo Sandor [web]
- Supplementary Note to Legislative committees as information intermediaries: a unified theory of committee selection and amendment rules, with Eduardo Azevedo, Yuichiro Kamada and Yuki Takagi [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Pirates of the Mediterranean: An empirical investigation of bargaining with transaction costs, with Eric Chaney and Igor Salitsky [web]
- Commitment-flexibility trade-off and withdrawal penalties, with Georgy Egorov [web]
- Supplementary Appendix to Commitment-flexibility trade-off and withdrawal penalties, with Georgy Egorov [web]
- Group versus individual decision-making: Is there a shift?, with Ben Greiner and Parag Pathak [web]
- Exclusive vs overlapping viewers in media markets, with Markus Reisinger [web]
- Dynamic Coalitional Agreements – coalitional rationalizability in multi-stage games [web]
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