
All sessions including the Thursday evening lecture and Friday symposium will take place in the Great Hall in the Trent Semans Center at 8 Coal Pile Drive (also known as 8 Searle Center Drive), Duke University Medical Center.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

5:45pm      2019 Boyarsky Lecture

More Just, More Humane: Reimagining the Social Role of Medicine

Arno Kumagai, MD
University of Toronto

The education and mentoring of future health practitioners play a critical role in their care of the ill and suffering. What does moral education look like? How can we develop a more unified approach to teaching and learning for societal

Dr. Kumagai will consider these questions and explore the concept of critical consciousness in teaching for equity and justice. He will show how
stories, reflections, and dialogue can foster transformative learning and lead to transformation of the practice of medicine. 

Reception to follow

Friday, January 25, 2019

7:30am      Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00am      Welcome/Symposium Overview

8:15am      Plenary: We Make the Road While Walking: Teaching and Learning for Social Justice
Arno Kumagai, MD   

8:45am      Panel I: Re-Framing Race and Equity in Health Education
Charmaine Royal, PhD         Race and Scientific Knowledge

Damon Tweedy, MD            Writing as an Agent of Transformation
Barbara Lau,  MA                  Teaching for Equity

10:15am        BREAK

10:30am      Panel II: Different Learners, Practical Strategies
Joe Jackson, MD                   Creating a Space to Explore Inequities: The Master of Biomedical Sciences Program

Kenyon Railey, MD              The Cultural Determinants of Health Disparities Curriculum
Brigit Carter, PhD, MSN      Addressing Race in Nursing Education

11:45am      Lunch/Table Discussions

12:45pm      Feedback from table discussions

1:15pm       Closing Remarks
                     Next steps

1:30pm      Adjourn