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Duke In The Arab World 2019

The City Below

Allahu Akbar: It adorned a dusty, maroon door opening the depths of a dar to the blue, infinite sky above. It lined the cracked white…

My Thoughts Upon Arrival- Zhuri Bryant

Being a Black American, I have always wanted to visit Africa. Whether it was my ancestral homeland or not, I wanted  to see where my…

Discovering Life in the Medina’s Market

Honestly, I arrived in Fez with no expectations. I knew that it would be different than anything that I have ever experienced in the comfort…

A Feztastic Review: “A House in Fez”

Western perceptions of the Arab world have been largely manipulated and perverted by the American media, especially post September 11th. It is fascinating that despite…

Review of A House in Fez – Grayson Real

The story focuses on an Australian couple, Suzanna Clarke and husband Sandy McCutcheon, and their journey of restoring an Arabic-style Fassi riad – in a…

A Review Of A House In Fez ―Arielle Hutchinson

Building A Home, Building A Life Several months. Two Australians. One riad restoration. In A House In Fez, couple, Suzanna and Sandy Clark embark on…