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Blog Post 4

Part of the appeal of the Duke in the Arab World trip is that we get to explore more than one area of Morocco. Just as the United States has multiple regions that have different cultures, it would be ridiculous to travel to another country and expect to know all about it from one town.

We stayed in Fez and Rabat, which are two very different cities. Fez and Rabat represent two dichotomies that are going on within Moroccan culture; modernity and tradition. The common link is tourism. Fez has a very active craft atmosphere, whereas Rabat relies more on business and administration. And because Rabat is the capital and is on the coast it has a lot more westernization than Fez. For example, the main language spoken seems to be French, and then maybe Darija. Whereas in Fez, everyone knew French, but people communicated in Darija.

I like Fez more than Rabat. I think that Fez is a lot more compact than Rabat, and that has made it easier to navigate the city than in Rabat.

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