Alphabet Soup

The Medina near ALIF Riad

When I hopped off the plane at Fes-Saïss Airport, I looked around the mostly empty tarmac and felt my mouth drop open a little bit. I couldn’t stop gaping as I absorbed the mountains and the bright tilework, and at that moment I broke my promise to not […]

Unapologetically Unveiled – Kayla Smith

Women’s clothing: modern meets traditional

Upon my arrival in Fes, I exited the train station and found a taxi to take me to the Hotel Batha, where I was to meet my host family. My traveling companion inquired as to the cost of the ride before we could leave the station – in […]

“Walking into a Moroccan Party” – Harry Sanderson

After a few days of settling in to my new home in Fes, I slowly noticed a trend in the family dynamics. My host mother and sister usually remained at home throughout the day, not leaving the apartment and instead devoting their time to working around the house. Meanwhile, my brother, Ahmeen, would leave in […]

Free Education?!? Click Here Now!!! – Michelle Rodriguez

Exactly one week within Fez, and the city has somehow wrung, kneaded, and macerated by body and soul. It was fun. Well, from the time since landing from the six-hour flight, I’ve enjoyed even the most troublesome things. For instance, the taxi culture. Taxi drivers skin and fleece even natives of their money. At least […]

Week 1 Blog Post – Noah Huffman

My eyes drooped at the midnight table as my head sagged close to my steaming ceramic bowl and loaf of khubz. I carefully checked the watch on my wrist, not to wanting question my family’s hospitality. A quarter past twelve. I sighed to myself, completely exhausted. Picking up my spoon with the dexterity of a […]

Week One Blog Post by Maria Renteria

My engagement with the word citizenship is limited to the citizenship awards that used to be given out in elementary school. My notion of it is limited to acts of kindness among classmates, and of thoughtful students ready to help the teacher out in any way. This has been an emergence into literature that is, […]

“Bread and Bliss” Week 1 Blogpost by Ahmed Salat

Bread and Bliss

When I decided to go to Morocco this summer, I didn’t do any research on the places I’d be visiting because I just wanted to travel there and get the full experience without having any expectations. I heard from friends that Morocco has a very rich and ancient culture and that, I […]