Challenging the Narrative: A Review of Miriam Cooke’s Tribal Modern – Harry Sanderson

In Tribal Modern: Branding New Nations in the Arab Gulf, Miriam Cooke analyzes the dynamic development of tribes and their traditions in Gulf states whose societies have experienced unprecedentedly rapid modernization in the last thirty years. Cooke utilizes her own experience from traveling in the region, interviews with common Gulf citizens, and artistic literature to […]

The Modern and Traditional: A Reality – Michelle Rodriguez

The 1970s introduced a new of era of wealth within countries like Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE, propelling their economies towards growth and societies towards modernity. Among these states, previously existing tribes had to make a decision as state borders hardened, either become a citizen or maintain their tribal (yet stateless) identities. In Miriam Cooke’s […]

Coexisting in a Modernization Theory, by Maria Renteria

Tribal Modern is a concise yet nuanced description of the Arab Gulf’s pre-modern history and its path to current modernity. Miriam Cooke masterfully introduces and creates the juxtaposing (to the West) idea of a tribal and modern society coexisting in the same time and space, mixing and simultaneously, not mixing. Through Cooke’s inclusion of anecdotal […]