Ph.D. opportunities


Some general info for phd students:


All prospective Ph.D. students are strongly encouraged to apply for independent funding (such as the NSF GRFP), if eligible.

GeMS (Genomics of Microbial Systems) center at Duke.  This group catalyzes interactions among students, postdocs, and faculty exploring microbes from various perspectives, including ecological, medical, and evolutionary.

Some Modest Advice for Graduate Students  —  thoughts from S. Stearns.

Huey’s Advice for Graduate Students — Ray Huey’s response to the “modest advice” above.   Please read Ray’s full response, and take to heart his to summary points to (i) surround yourself with good people; (ii) learn to respect and to practice the art of being organized.


prospective Ph.D. students – opportunities

Our lab welcomes applications from prospective graduate students with a background in biology, environmental sciences, microbiology, genomics, computer science, and related fields.  We’re affiliated with the Duke training programs listed below, and you may apply to join our lab through any of these programs.

Interested students are encouraged to contact Jen (j.wernegreen at before applying.