Spatial Humanities and Digital Mapping

Many of my projects involve a spatial humanities/digital mapping element. I see critical cartography studies as a strand in the conversation around immersive virtual world building and the development of database driven digital contexts. I participated in an NEH Summer Institute on Enabling Geospatial Scholarship in the Humanities and have received several internal grants to support digital mapping projects on campus. My primary connection with the FHI BorderWorks and Haiti Labs is through advising on the use of digital mapping technologies. My Fall 2011 course, Digital Places and Spaces, attempted to bring together mapping discourses with those about hypermedia, virtual world building, and games. I will continue to develop these concepts in theory and practice during the next couple of years as part of my GreaterThanGames Lab and Wired! Lab contributions, as well as through the various multimodal, spatial humanities projects I undertake.