
Hello world!

My name is Sade (AKA Shaw-day, AKA Slim Shady)
I’m currently a sophomore planning on majoring in Neuroscience/Psychology and I’m from the USA, South Africa, Nigeria, and a few places in between (hehe just ask). Speaking of asking, I’m pretty terrible at writing bios (especially in a non-musical format) so if you wanna know further details, just ask me (and trust me, by the time we’ve met I’ll probably have already asked you to tell me your entire life story.)

BUT IN THE MEANTIME, more about me:

I’m a lover of living, whether it be through spontaneous excursions (Durham Crawl or Forest hike, anyone?) or random dance parties (many of which end up on Snapchat), jam sessions (I have a guitar named Beyoncé) or some good ol’ soul talks.

Like I said before, I hail from many-a-country, which makes me a semi-international student, on top of being an RA, a pre-med student (sometimes), sock enthusiast, pescatarian and avid fan of Wardell Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors.

What else? (note I’m just taking pointers from fellow Ubu’s bios to figure out what to put here [speaking of which, check those out, these are fantastic people])
I’m a firm believer in believing. In something, someone (especially yourself) at some time. Faith, Friendship and Forward-thinking are all really important to me, and once you get to talking to some of the squad you’ll find that we all care about something, often MANY things, very deeply 🙂

And on that note, thus concludes the brief synopsis-esque-ish story of ME!

Can’t wait hear yours c;