January 2015

2015 Trillium Workshop: Sustainability Across the Curriculum

Post-workshop stipend eligibility requirements for 2015 fellows

To be eligible for a $500 stipend, you must be Duke faculty. The funds will transfer to your discretionary account. If you are eligible and interested, here is what we ask of you, in two parts:

Initial $300 stipend

Note: You may complete these activities by the end of the Spring 2015 semester — even if your course will be in the 2015-2016 academic year — to receive this portion of the stipend now. You can also receive the stipend if you complete these steps at a later time.
  1. Complete our evaluation survey
  2. Write a blog post (e.g., by the first spring 2015 gathering) for the Trillium website about your experience in Trillium that either proposes changes to your course or reflects on changes you have implemented. (Example blog posts.)
  3. Submit a new or revised syllabus (e.g., by the second spring 2015 gathering) that clearly indicates how you have enhanced sustainability content in the design of the course.
    1. For the stipend, we ask that you include sustainability content — connecting at least two of the three primary dimensions of sustainability — in the course material.
    2. We also separately encourage sustainable practices in the classroom. See Duke’s Green Classroom Certification for ideas.
    3. We plan to post your syllabus online as an example.

Second $200 stipend

Contribute to a future Trillium workshop (ideally our next one) in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Help plan the agenda or logistics.
  2. Substantially recruit new fellows.
  3. Lead a session or otherwise present during the workshop.

January 5, 2015, Workshop Agenda

8:30    Welcome, introductions. (Charlotte Clark, Faculty Director of Sustainability)

8:45    What is sustainability? (Eileen Thorsos, Sustainability Education Program Coordinator) Define systems thinking & sustainability, and connect disciplinary perspectives to sustainability-related issues.

9:45    Break

10:00  Digging deeper: Sustainability in social justice & economics (Charlie Thompson, Cultural Anthropology, & Dirk Philipsen, Kenan Institute for Ethics, moderated by Charlotte Clark)

11:00  Learning outcomes & objectives (Hugh Crumley, Director, Certificate in College Teaching; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education, Duke University Graduate School)

12:00 Lunch from Green Planet Catering

1:00    Outdoor walk: Green spaces, Duke’s water retention pond, & involving students in on-campus sustainability projects (Katie Rose Levin, Natural Resources Manager, & Steve Palumbo, Energy Manager)            

2:00    What does incorporating sustainability look like? Examples of course revisions from past Trillium fellows. (Panel moderated by Lee Anne Reilly, Lecturing Fellow, Thompson Writing Program.)

3:00    Break

3:15    Service learning in sustainability-related classes & Sustainable Duke as an educational resource. (Charlotte Clark, Sumi Ariely, & Casey Roe)

4:00   Course revision brainstorm

4:45    Closing

5:00    Adjourn.

6:00 pm Dinner at Charlotte’s house.