Past Lab Members





Megan Aldrup-McDonald
Graduate Student, 2012-2015
Currently: Science Instructor, University School (Cleveland, OH)

Hannah Berg
Undergraduate Researcher, 2017-2019
Currently: Student, Duke Law School
Selina Chen
Undergraduate Researcher, 2010-2012
Currently: Sr. Product Specialist, Capital Group (Chicago)
Kimberline Chew
Undergraduate Researcher, 2014-2017
Currently: Internal Medicine Resident, Montefiore Health System (Bronx, NY)

Evon DeBose-Scarlett
MGM Rotation/Graduate Student, 2020-2022
Currently: Marchuk Lab (Duke)


Lauren Donoghue
NCSSM Mentorship Program, 2009-2010
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Genentech

Nimish Garg
Nimish Garg
Undergraduate Researcher, 2018-2021
Currently: Medical Student, Univ Southern California
Lucy Gong
Lucy Gong
Undergraduate Researcher, 2007-2009
Currently: Internal Medicine Physician, Kaiser Permanente (San Clara, CA) 
Naeema Hopkins-Kotb
Undergraduate Researcher, 2018-2021
Currently: Medical Student, Harvard Medical School
Molly Kuo
Molly Kuo
Undergraduate Researcher, 2012-2015
Currently: MSTP Student, University of Michigan
Shannon McNulty
Shannon McNulty
Graduate Student, 2014-2018
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Associate,
UNC-Chapel Hill
Kristin Maloney
Graduate Student, 2007-2009
Currently: Certified Genetic Counselor, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Stephanie Merrett
Lab Research Analyst, 2021
B.S. Georgia Tech
Currently: Working in bio-tech
Brankica Mravinac
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2006-2007
Currently: Research Associate, Division of Molecular Biology at Ruder Boskovic Institute (Croatia)
Justyne Ross
Justyne Ross
UPGG Graduate Student, 2012-2016
Currently: Biocurator, UNC-Chapel Hill
Kaitlin Stimpson Woodlief
UPGG Graduate Student, 2006-2012
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2012-2013
Currently: Instructional Technologist & Adjunct Instructor, College of Charleston
Chris Yan
Christopher Yan
Research Technician, 2007-2008
Alexandra Young
Undergraduate Researcher, 2011-2012
Currently: Manager, Post-MBA Commercial Leadership Development Program, Sanofi (Cambridge, MA)


2002 – 2005

Chris Boivin
Research Technician
Caitlin Bonney
Undergraduate Researcher
Ai Leen Lam
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dorothy Pazin
Graduate Student