E-moderating Online Discussions

E-Moderation involves the fostering of “a culture of learning” in an online dialogue.  The techniques of moderating an online discussion are expressed on the following web pages.

Does E-moderating an active online classroom create?

([PDF]  DOES EMODERATING AN ACTIVE ONLINE CLASSROOM CREATE? sloanconsortium.org/resources/reviews/pdf/review2.pdf)

E Moderating Workshop.   

Slides from a professional development workshop delivered by Professor Gilly Salmon to colleagues at the University of Southern Queensland.  (www.slideshare.net/ADFI_USQ/emoderating-workshop)

Moving Out of the Middle     




Ambrose, L. (2001). Learning online facilitation online, from http://www.southbank.tafe.net/site/library/downloads/MovingOnline.doc

Collison, G., Elbaum, B., Haavind, S., & Tinker, R. (2000). Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies for Moderators. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.

Odin, J. (2002). Does e-moderating an active online classroom create? Sloan-C Book Reviews. Retrieved from http://sites.duke.edu/onlineguide/files/2011/12/Does-e-moderation-make.pdf

Salmon, G. (2011). E-moderating knowledge: dancing fires. 18-slide PowerPoint presentation retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/ADFI_USQ/e-moderating-workshop

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