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Recommended reading for Jessica Hines’ presentation on Mar. 7

Geoffrey Chaucer and the Compilation(s) of English Identity

No readings are required, but it would be helpful if everyone had taken a look through at least one or two of the early print editions of Chaucer. We recommend the following in particular (note that the latter two link to EEBO):


Recommended reading for discussion on Feb. 7, Desire and Conversion

A note on the reading. We’ll concentrate on chapters 1.1-10, 2.1, 3.1-2, 3.10-11, and 4.11, although a larger selection than this has been scanned for your benefit. Do refer to the table of contents and preface to get a clearer view of the essay’s structure. (Reading attached in two files because of size)


Recommended reading for discussion on Nov. 15, Translation as/and Conversion (it’s quite a lot, so please feel free to be selective about how much you read)

Excerpts from Translation: Theory and Practice: A Historical Reader, ed. Ástráður Eysteinsson and Daniel Weissbort (Oxford: OUP, 2006)

Critical Work:



Recommended reading in preparation for Ryan McDermott’s visit and lecture:

Recommended reading in preparation for David Como’s visit and lecture:

Recommended readings (and art!) in preparation for Luke Bretherton’s Lecture:

image psalms

Recommended readings for Samantha Arten’s “How to Sing Like a Protestant…” workshop:

Aug & Phil

Wetzel_Aug and Witt  (James Wetzel, “Wittgenstein’s Augustine: The Inauguration of the Later Philosophy”)

Hadot pwol

Hadot_PWoL  (Pierre Hadot, from Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault, chs. 3-4, and 11)


Aug conf chadwick

Augustine_Conf  (Selections from Augustine, Confessions, books 1-2, 7, 8, and 10)




Manion_book cover

Manion_Narrating Crus book Concl (Lee Manion, conclusion from Narrating the Crusades: Loss and Recovery in Medieval and Early Modern English Literature [Cambridge, 2014], 212-220 with notes)


Pourbus_Francis Bacon


Manion_Bacon on Holy War (Francis Bacon, An Advertisement Touching a Holy War [1629])


Pride_Yorkshire Carthusian Misc


(Sir Gowther, a Middle English romance, available in its Middle English with glosses below, and in a prose translation in the second link)


**For Lee Manion’s article on Sir Gowther, please RSVP to




Questier_book image

Questier-Conversion-Politics-1580-1625_1 AND Questier-Conversion-Politics-1580-1625_2 (Michael Questier, chs. 1-3 of Conversion, Politics and Religion in England, 1580-1625 [Cambridge UP, 1996])


Donne_Fifty sermons image

Donne_Sermon Feast Conv S Paul 1630 (John Donne, Sermon preached January 25, 1630, the Feast of St. Paul’s Conversion)

Donne_Sermon Feast Conv S Paul 1625 (*Optional reading*: Donne’s first sermon on the Feast of St. Paul’s Conversion, 1625)





From Dante Alighieri, Commedia: Inferno 1-2; Purgatorio 30-31; Paradiso 31-33 (text available here:

Freccero_on Dante001 (John Freccero, Dante: The Poetics of Conversion, ed. Rachel Jacoff [Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986], ch. 1, “The Prologue Scene”)


Michel de Montaigne, Essays,  “Of Repentance” (text available here:

Taylor_on Montaigne2004 (Charles Taylor, “Exploring ‘l’Humaine Condition,'” ch. 10 from Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity [Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989])





Smith_sorry 1  (Nick Smith, Introduction and chs. 1-2 of I Was Wrong: The Meaning of Apologies [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008])


Woodes_Conflict Conscience  (Nathaniel Woodes, The Conflict of Conscience [1581]) — apologies for the blackletter font!

Hamlet stamp

Shakespeare’s Hamlet  (Useful online edition here:

Searle_Illocutionary Acts  (*Optional reading*: John Searle, “A Classification of Illocutionary Acts,” 1976)



Gregory and Dove_Corpus Christi

Gregory the Great (Pope Gregory I), from The Pastoral Care (Liber Regulae Pastoralis), BOOK III, Prologue, chs. 1-18 and 36-39 (available online here:


Rich man Lazarus_Poiters Cathedral

Dives and Pauper (Dives and Pauper, ed. P. H. Barnum, Early English Text Society nos. 275 and 280: 1.1, pp. 51-69 and 195-217; 1.2 pp. 33-57)




Descartes, First Meditation, Meditations on First Philosophy, in The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume II, trans. Cottingham, Stoothoff, and Murdoch, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, pp. 12-15



John Freccero, “Autobiography and Narrative,” in Reconstructing Individualism: Autonomy, Individuality, and the Self in Western Thought, ed. Heller, Sosna, and Wellbery, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1986, pp. 16-29




Anthony Grafton, “Traditions of Conversion: Descartes and his Devil,” Doreen B. Townsend Center, Occasional Papers, no. 22, Berkeley: University of California, 2000


Background reading: Augustine, Confessions, 7.10.16 through 7.21.27 (a portion of this excerpt from book 7 is available in the PDF Augustine_Conf from the working group’s first meeting)


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