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Creating and Running VM Using VirtualBox/Vagrant

In the following, “host” refers to the physical computer that you are working on (your laptop in most cases). By “shell on host” or “host shell” we mean the Terminal program for Mac OS.

If you use Windows, we recommend that you install and use Git BASH as your host shell, and then try to follow the instructions below. If you have trouble with Vagrant below, one fallback option is to just run VirtualBox alone and use its interface for all VM-related tasks. To create the VM, you can either download a pre-built Lubuntu 18.04 image (note the user name/password) or manually create an VM and install the operating system yourself. Remember to then set up file sharing between your VM and host by installing the VirtualBox “Guest Additions.”


  1. Download and install the latest version of VirtualBox. Make sure you also install the extensions.
  2. Download and install Vagrant. Then get a shell on your host and issue the following commands to install some Vagrant plugins:
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Creating a VM

  1. Create a directory on your host—it will hold files that are automatically shared between your host and VM. Pick a convenient location, say 316, for example. Download the file named Vagrantfile and save it in this directory. Make sure the file is named exactly Vagrantfile with no suffix.

    One of the most common problem people encounter is that some browser (e.g., Safari) automatically adds an .txt extension to Vagrantfile when you download this file. That will cause all sorts of issues that are hard to recover from later on. So, after you download the file, open up the containing folder and double-check that the file has no suffix at all. If it does, manually rename it to be without any suffix.

  2. Get a host shell and change into the directory with the Vagrantfile. Then, type this command to create (and start) the VM:
    vagrant up
    The first time it runs it will create the VM from scratch, which takes some time. (The same command will be used to restart an existing VM that has been previously stopped; that will be much faster.) As the VM starts, VirtualBox will also present you with a window showing the VM login prompt; you should just ignore that for now.
  3. From your host shell, log into your VM:
    vagrant ssh
    You should now be in your VM shell. Follow the instructions for Help/Readying VM for the Course.
  4. You now need to reboot your VM. Exit from from your VM shell (using the exit command), get back to your host shell, and then issue the following commands (wait for some time between the two commands):
    vagrant halt
    vagrant up

Managing VM using Vagrant

All commands below should be issued from a host shell, when you are inside the directory containing the Vagrantfile.

Starting the VM:
vagrant up
If you have previously stopped your VM, you need this command above to restart it before you can accessing it. You might have to wait for a bit before it is ready to accept connections.

Checking the VM status:
vagrant status

Accessing the VM:
For basic command-line shell access:
vagrant ssh
You shouldn’t need a password. If successful, you will be now be inside a shell on your VM. If this command hangs, hit Ctrl-C to get back to your host shell prompt, and check the VM status to see if it is ready. You can run multiple host shells and start a vagrant ssh session in each one of them to get multiple VM shells, which you can use for multitasking.

Stopping the VM:
vagrant halt
Unless explicitly stopped using the above command, your VM will keep running, which will slow your host down. Thus, we recommend that you stop your VM when you are not working on it.

Destroying the VM:
You can completely destroy your VM using another command called vagrant destroy, but you will lose everything in your VM (except files in the VM directory shared with the host). Do NOT use this command unless you really want to get rid of the VM and all its data (e.g., when you finish this course).

Setting up GUI Access to VM

GUI access to VM gives you a familiar desktop interface. To enable it, first get a VM shell via vagrant ssh, use the following command to install the necessary software on your VM:
This command will take some time. Once it’s done, exit out of your VM shell, and then reboot the VM in your host shell:
vagrant halt
vagrant up
When the VM is booted, you should now see a window showing the VM desktop with a login screen. (For convenience, you might want to make this desktop full-screen; read VirtualBox documentation for details.) Just log in as user vagrant with password vagrant.

For help on how to use the desktop and what applications are useful, please refer to Linux Basics.

File Access

If you have followed the setup instructions correctly, you will find a directory named shared under your home directory on the VM. This directory automatically mirrors the directory containing the Vagrantfile on your host. For example, to work on hw01, you can make a subdirectory hw01 under the directory with Vagrantfile on your host. Then, you may create and edit a file named intro.txt inside this subdirectory (using a text editor on your host). Your VM will see this file automatically as shared/hw01/intro.txt. Inside your VM, change your working directory to shared/hw01:
cd ~/shared/hw01/
and continue your work there, e.g.:
ls -l intro.txt
nano intro.txt
Conversely, if you update anything under shared/ on your VM, you will find the changes reflected automatically on your host. Thus, you can submit such shared files from a browser on either your VM or host.

Network Access

If you had followed the above instructions to create your VM, you should be able to log into your VM via ssh from your host. To access any other network port (for example, 1234) on your VM, however, you need to setup forwarding between this port and a port on your host (say, 4321). Then, accessing your host’s port 4321 behaves just like accessing your VM’s port 1234 directly. To setup forwarding in Vagrant, follow these instructions:

  • If your VM is still running, log out from it (exit) and shut it down (vagrant halt).
  • Edit the line (or add one) beginning with config.vm.network in your Vagrantfile so it looks like follows (replace 1234 with you desired guest port and 4321 with your desired host port, respectively):
    config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 1234, host: 4321, auto_correct: true
  • Then, bring your VM back up (vagrant up). You should now be able to access your guest port through your host port.